Advantage News

Off Property Dinner at NGALA Wildlife Preserve

Our VP Sales, Mark Howard, and Coulton the Giraffe get ready for a Client’s off-property dinner at the fantastic NGALA Wildlife Preserve just outside of Naples, FL. One of our most inspiring and unique off-property venues, NGALA is a sanctuary for wild animals just outside the Florida Everglades on the southwest gulf coast of Florida.  They are funded by hosting private and corporate events and a percentage of the monies made this evening will directly affect the care and feeding of their animals, as well as to help fund children’s programs to help stimulate children’s interests in animals and conservation.  NGALA has about 45 different animals residing on their property including: camels, giraffe, leopards, chimpanzees, alligators, parrots, white rhinoceros, and zebra. NGALA also is home to Tyson, a Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi). Tyson is one of the rarest creatures on the planet! Florida Panthers are indigenous to the Everglades, but hunting decimated the population so badly that it was one of the first species added to the U.S. Endangered Species List in 1973.  Today, there are less than 100 Florida panthers left in the wild. Tyson is well cared for at NGALA.     

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